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Using Social Media During The COVID-19 Pandemic

With social distancing as the new normal for now, social media is more important than ever. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms have received a major spike in usage. People are using social media to stay in touch with friends and family, learn the latest news, and distract themselves from real-life during these uncertain times.

But individual users are not the only ones changing their social media habits. Small businesses across the world are adjusting and pivoting on a daily basis to keep up with the ever-changing state of society.

The increased number of social media users do not automatically mean an increase in audience. Small businesses need to come up with new ways to engage with their followers, market their products and services, and most importantly, communicate during COVID-19.

social media covid-19

To help your business through this uncharted territory, Pink Dog Digital has compiled a list of guiding principles, ideas, and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acknowledging the crisis

If you are proceeding with business-as-usual, or worse, ignoring COVID-19 altogether, it can be extremely detrimental to your business. Your followers and customers want to know they are not alone in this.

Start by posting on social media in regards to how your business is responding to the pandemic, along with the measures you are taking to protect the health and wellness of your employees. Are your employees working from home? Wearing gloves and remaining six feet apart? Cleaning surfaces every hour?

Addressing these concerns will not only give followers a peace of mind, but it will help build consumer trust and loyalty to know your business is doing the right thing.

Be human

A global crisis is a perfect time to show your business’s authentic side. While a number of small businesses are suffering, these small businesses are also doing everything they can to help others.

If your company is doing its part to help the community, make sure you are highlighting this on social media. This includes donating supplies, volunteering or advocating.

Another way to create authentic and humanizing social media content is by being upfront and honest. Yes, consumers are still buying, but this does not mean businesses can market as they normally would.

Do not go radio silent

Even if your business can not sell products or provide services, it is important to keep posting.

Take this opportunity to be creative with your social media posts. Breakaway from product marketing to focus on building your brand. Share content that aligns with your values and mission. Create a “Meet The Team” campaign to put faces to your brand and build familiarity.

Be empathetic

It is always best to think twice before you post. Consider your followers and the many ways in which COVID-19 might be affecting them.

Are you using the correct tone? Is your content problematic? These are the types of questions that small businesses should be asking themselves before each social media post.

Yes, many consumers are still buying products and services. But there are just as many consumers that are not in the position to shop at the moment. Think about your entire audience, not just the ones in the market right now.

Instead of approaching with urgency, take a subdued approach to sales with a soft ask or gentle reminder. Communicate directly on social media by providing easy to understand information. Your followers will use this information if and when they want to.

If you would like more information about using social media during COVID-19, need help creating social media content, or other digital marketing services, please contact us at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at