Web Design FAQs

Interactive Web Design FAQs

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What is an interactive web design?

Interactive web design focuses on providing an improved user experience to encourage engagement. By creating a user-friendly web design, users will be able to find what the need easily and contact the company.

Do I need an existing website?

No! Pink Dog Digital will work to redesign your existing website or design an interactive website for your company from scratch.

How much does a new website cost?

This is a great question, and one that we can’t answer specifically. It’s going to cost (at minimum) a couple thousand dollars for a decent new website design. For larger or more intricate sites, they can run up into the $20k to $30k range. It all depends on what you need.

How long does it take to build an interactive web design?

Every company has different wants and needs from their web design, which means every website will have a different timeline. If you are interested in learning more about what Pink Dog Digital can do for you, call us at (410) 696-3305, email us at info@pinkdogdigital.com, or visit us on the web at www.pinkdogdigital.com.

Why does it take so long to build a website?

On average, it takes our team about eight weeks to build a website from initial onboarding to final search optimization – however, sites generally launch in six weeks. The process goes through a few distinct stages: Onboarding and discovery, Design, Programming, Pre-Launch, Launch, and search optimization. How long the site takes to build also depends on how quickly we receive approvals and how many edits the design requires.

Can I just design my own website?

Sure. To do it yourself will probably cost a couple hundred dollars and a LOT of your time. The real challenge with doing it yourself is that it isn’t going to look professional – and you’re also going to have to take the time to maintain it on your own. This works well for some businesses but isn’t usually recommended. We find that quality websites tend to have a really strong ROI.

Who will maintain and update the website?

This is entirely up to you. Our team is more than happy to continue maintenance on the website after the launch. Or we can recommend an appropriate CMS to update it internally.

How much input will I have in the design?

We rely entirely on your input for the design! Our team is committed to building a website that pleases both the company and their customers. We achieve this by asking questions, getting to know your business, your customers, your followers, and working with you to develop just the right look and feel.

How can I project the illusion of choice through web design?

A website needs to have the perfect amount of “choice.” Too little choices will make the user feel as though they have no free will. Too many choices will create unnecessary stress and completely scare the user off.

The illusion of choice will encourage the user to choose from 2-3 options on the website that will ultimately present the same outcome. If the company’s goal is to sell products, the website should encourage the user to buy now through e-commerce or buy later after signing up for marketing emails. That way, no matter which option they choose, it will benefit the company.

Is there a proper way to incorporate rewards into web design?

Rewards are, well — rewarding. The promise of rewards is enough to motivate any users into performing a certain action.

Although consumers would love a reward for simply doing nothing, rewards should be used purposely and deliberately in an attempt to accomplish a goal. Companies can offer rewards or coupons for signing up to receive newsletters. Offer exclusive products to users that set notification preferences.

If your company is not looking for tangible rewards, companies can incorporate motivational and comical messages on each step. This will encourage the users to keep going and finish completing each step.

Why do websites need maintenance?

SEO “rules” change all the time, as does website software. Whenever things change, it’s important to keep your website updated to avoid having it break. At Pink Dog Digital, we perform basic maintenance on all sites that we host to prevent site issues.

Are online barriers bad?

What would you do if you tried to enter a physical store location, but were asked to provide private information before you could enter? A majority of people would probably leave to go to another store.

So why would you ever ask an online barrier to your website? A website should be open and welcoming to all visitors who want to enter and shop around. Avoid pop-ups or forms that require data before granting access to the website.

What is parallax scrolling?

Parallax scrolling is used to make a website look like it’s 3-dimensional. Designers create this optical illusion by having the background move slightly slower than the foreground when you scroll. This technique has become increasingly popular in the last couple of years!

What are micro-interactions?

Micro-interactions are small animations that happen when you hover over an icon on a website. These work best if the rest of your website is simple so that you don’t end up severely reducing site speed.

What is an orphaned page?

An orphaned page is any page on your website that no other pages on your website link to. You never want to have an orphaned page on your site since it makes it nearly impossible for Google to find it and crawl it. 

Do orphan pages affect SEO?

Yes, absolutely. When a page is orphaned, Google has a hard time finding it to crawl it. While it may be discoverable by an XML sitemap (if you have one installed), you should still always link to that page from somewhere else on your website. If it doesn’t make sense to link to, then there’s a good chance that you don’t need that page to begin with. 

How can I fix orphaned pages on my website?

This one is simple! Just add a link to that page from another relevant page on your website. Make sure that your anchor text is optimized and that your link makes sense in context. 

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