6 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing
If you’ve spent any time looking into search engine optimization (SEO) or content marketing, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Content is King.” This principle has been around since marketers started studying SEO and optimizing for search. There’s a good reason for it, too.

With over 1.7 billion websites on the internet, it takes something special to stand out. Given, not all of those websites are going to be in your business’ niche (not even close) and many of them don’t contain any kind of content. Some are old and unused. However, there are plenty out there that are active competitors.
In order to ensure a good search ranking, you need to find ways to improve your content marketing. Below are some of the best ways you can do just that.
Perform Keyword Research
Whenever you’re trying to improve SEO of any kind, you need to start with keyword research. Decide which keywords are the most important for your business and work from there. There are a ton of tools out there that can be used for research purposes.
Some of our favorites are free. We especially love Google Analytics and Google Search Console. They reflect what’s going on in real-time on the top search engine, making the information they provide invaluable.
You can also try out tools like SEO PowerSuite, SEM Rush, and Ahrefs. Once you have your keywords, you can begin tailoring your content around them.
Answer Questions Important to Your User Base
Your keyword research will ultimately help you determine the questions that your potential customers or clients are asking. Providing answers to those questions in your blog will keep people coming back to your website for more.
Additionally, when you format your title as a question, you have a better chance of directly matching a user query. Consider how you use Google. Do you format your queries as questions or statements? Chances are high that you format your searches as queries since most people do.
Use Analytics to Determine What’s Working
Analytics are your best friend! They’ll tell you which content your users prefer and what’s working for Google. Keep an eye on landing pages with the highest number of users, increased time on page, and good conversions. These are the most relevant pages on your website.
Consider these pages to be case studies. What about them is causing people to land on them? Why do they stay once they’ve landed? Then, use your findings as a baseline for creating new content.
Include Different Mediums Within Your Content
Most people hear content and think “words, words, words.” Yes, words are important. Having quality, well-researched content on your website is a critical component of rankings. However, people also LOVE to see other mediums.
Including some of the following on your blogs or landing pages can encourage people to stay on the page and even make your content more shareable:
- Videos
- Photos
- Infographics
- Listicles
- Case studies
Vary it up as much as you can – and be sure to go back and add these mediums to previous articles to help dig them out of the Google graveyard.
Distribute Your Content to a Variety of Channels
Quality content means nothing if people can’t find it. Sharing your content on social media, through an e-newsletter, and through syndication sites allows people to see and share it. You can even ask others who are in your industry or adjacent to it to distribute to their networks, as well.
You’ll just want to make sure that you do the same for them when the time comes. It helps build strong working relationships.
Have Others Contribute
To improve your content marketing, sometimes you need other people to contribute. Contributors might include people within your organization, other businesses that you trust, or even an influencer. Make sure that you have final editing power, though. Any content that goes on your site still represents your business – you never want it to negatively impact your reputation.
Improve Your Content with a Digital Marketing Agency
Content marketing is time-consuming. It requires careful planning, research, and execution that many businesses don’t have the resources for. That’s where a digital marketing agency comes in.
Pink Dog Digital works with businesses in a variety of industries to provide top-notch content creation and digital media marketing services. If you have questions or would like to get started improving your content marketing, contact us today at info@pinkdogdigital.com or give us a call at 410-696-3305.