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What are the Top Newsletter Trends in 2022?

What are the Top Newsletter Trends in 2022
What are the Top Newsletter Trends in 2022

Did you know that the first newsletters were sent in mid-15th century Venice? They were all handwritten, and accounts are given on how the type would change through the letter, indicating the writer’s fatigue as they tried to mass reproduce by hand – one copy at a time.


All things considered, we can appreciate how far newsletters have come. Nowadays, you only need to write your copy once and mass reproduce it with a click of a button to serve as many people as you can garner. The most highly subscribed newsletter has over 7.5 million subscribers. Imagine if they had to write each individual a letter by hand!

What are the top Newsletter Trends in 2022?

Besides the evolution in the mode of distribution, newsletter trends will perpetually change as the nature of interaction with the audience evolves. Below are the top newsletter trends to adopt in 2022:

User-generated content

There are two ways to generate content – original content and content obtained from your followers. The latter is called user-generated content. Examples of user-generated content are success stories, product reviews, testimonials, podcast episodes, and more.


User-generated content can be a great addition to your newsletter as it serves as social proof. It signals that people use and enjoy your products which can tip a lead sitting on the fence to make a purchase.

Interactive content

When you think about a typical email, it’s not exciting to read. The appearance is beyond lackluster, which makes it hard to hook readers.


In 2022, we are witnessing more and more interactive newsletters featuring additions such as:


  • Embedded videos that can play within the email
  • Surveys and polls
  • Animated calls to action. This can be as simple as adding a drop shadow to the CTA button to make it appear more clickable.
  • Slideshows and carousels of products that you’d like them to check out
  • Live countdown timers


We live in an age brimmed with social media platforms trying to appeal to our visual senses with images, videos, and flamboyant graphics.


However, with newsletters, you need not compete for the user’s attention after they open your email. We can see more newsletters adopting a minimalism aesthetic aiming to give readers a pleasant experience and a breath of fresh air from the sensory overload characteristic of social media.


We all know about dynamic name tags. They help you personalize your emails by addressing your readers by their name. However, in 2022, most top newsletters have taken personalization beyond the name.


The goal is to communicate to the customer exactly what they’re interested in. To achieve this, top newsletters are now segmenting their lists further based on different demographic categories and tailoring content for each category.

Optimization for mobile

63% of all website traffic in the United States comes from mobile devices. For that reason, top newsletters are now taking a mobile-first approach. One of the best ways to optimize your newsletter for mobile is to design graphics for a vertical screen to make the copy easy to read on the go.

Learn More About the Top Newsletter Trends at Pink Dog Digital

At Pink Dog Digital, we stay on top of the latest newsletter trends to help you grow your newsletter subscription and in turn, your business. We work with clients from a variety of industries all across the globe and would like to hear more about your newsletter goals.

Let’s get in touch today via the contact form on our website or give us a call at  (410) 696-3305.