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The Power of LinkedIn Newsletters

LinkedIn newsletters

When it comes to social media, there are plenty of choices for advancing your marketing strategy and communication efforts.

Each platform has its own strengths and merits, and when used effectively are excellent ways to boost your business, and get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible.

When it comes to business and a more professional audience, LinkedIn has been leading the way for more than a decade.

Calling itself “the world’s largest professional network”, the website has a more “suit and tie” approach than Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. Don’t get us wrong, those channels have a variety of benefits for businesses and professionals.

LinkedIn By the Numbers

The popularity of LinkedIn can’t be underestimated, and the figures show it.

  1. There are currently over 740 million users in 200 countries and territories all over the world.
  2. In terms of gender, 43% of users are female and 57% are male.
  3. When it concerns age, 37% of users are between 30-49 years old.
  4. The user base skews towards formally educated participants, with half of all US adults having earned a college degree.
  5. Nearly 25% of users are senior-level influencers.
  6. Want to reach a business? There are 55 million companies listed on this platform!
  7. LinkedIn is the second most popular among B2B marketers.
  8. Don’t forget the mobile aspect, because 57% of the site’s users come from mobile devices.

Tapping the Source

So, what are LinkedIn Newsletters?

Think of it as a publication that’s geared towards a specific subject, and can be shared with the entire community.

Publishers use LinkedIn newsletters to share their opinions on topic matters that are relevant to their profession, or comment on current business trends. 

It’s not just articles, video and audio features also make for great content – and if they’re done professionally, word can spread about your expertise.

There’s really no limit to what can be included, and inserting links to your website and other social platforms like Facebook and Instagram, help pump up page visits, and attract new clients.  

Time is Money

It’s clear that LinkedIn newsletters can be one of the sharpest arrows in your marketing quiver, but making sure they look professional, and are published on a consistent basis can be a major challenge.

After all, who has the time to publish on a consistent basis when there are so many other tasks on your plate? 

Don’t forget the old adage, “Publish or perish.” You may get off to a great start, but struggling to find the right content and time on your schedule isn’t easy.

Outsourcing this project to a professional agency is the answer, and Pink Dog’s services are the perfect fit.

We can work with you to generate ideas and turn them into captivating content that’s positioned for your audience, so they’ll share it with their LinkedIn contacts.

You won’t have to worry about keeping a consistent publishing schedule, because we’ll take care of that for you.  

Plus, our experts can help produce the type of videos and photos that help you stand out from a crowded market with polished and professional content.

Get Them to Love You on LinkedIn!

Using LinkedIn to its fullest potential can expand your business, and reputation. A newsletter is one of the key components to finding success.

The Pink Dog team has the knowledge and experience to help you achieve these goals, and working with us is easy.

For more information about LinkedIn Newsletters and other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305 or email us at We are here to help!