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Sparks of Change Foundation Website Launch

Without any delay, Pink Dog Digital is thrilled to announce the launch of Sparks of Change Foundation new and improved website.


As a company with various ties to Baltimore-based non-profits, PDD knew exactly what was needed to be done when approached by Sparks of Change.

For anyone with experience in the non-profit sector, it is a widely known fact that a mission statement has the ability to make or break any organization.

A mission statement is a clear outline of an organizations vision and goals, as well as how they are going to achieve those plans.

With this knowledge, Pink Dog Digital made it a priority to showcase Sparks of Change’s mission statement as the focal point of the homepage. With this intelligent web design, any visitor of the website will undeniably discover the philanthropic values of Sparks of Change.

Following the mission statement, visitors are encouraged to learn more about the organization through the use of a strategic Call-to-Action button. With a simple yet intriguing phrase, the CTA guides users to the desired location: the history of Sparks of Change.

With regards to the sensitive specifics of the organization’s beginnings, Pink Dog Digital skillfully crafted a message that not only tugs at the heart-strings of any reader but provides clear reasoning for the foundation of Sparks of Change.

The Foundation was established in honor of Daniel Joseph Siegel, a remarkable young man who regrettably passed away at the mere age of 22, on November 27, 2010 of a brain tumor. While valiantly battling his illness, Daniel never strayed from his heart, wit, sense of humor, wisdom, and strength.


Just as Daniel kept true to his lovable personality, this organization has kept true to their mission statement:

“The Sparks of Change Foundation empowers young people to create a better world through programs that promote education, dialogue, inclusion, and leadership development.”

By publicizing an inspiring video defining what it means to “Be A Spark”, it serves to inform young adults how others are changing the world around them, and more importantly, how they can change the world themselves.

Under the Programs We Support page, our team innovatively listed the proud partnerships of Sparks of Change, followed by brief yet effective descriptions of each program. Sparks of Change knows the programs and experiences they provide young adults is unlike any other.

For such a consumer-focused organization, we knew it was important to establish a consumer-focused online platform. Pink Dog Digital made it a priority to showcase the kind words and testimonials of current supporters of these programs.

The Sparks of Change Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means they rely on the generosity and support of donations and sponsors.

The user-friendly web design and navigation tools make it easier than ever for supporters to make online donations to the Foundation, ensuring the organization has the resources needed to continue creating a better world.

The team at Pink Dog Digital is delighted to offer a website that not only highlights the selfless good deeds Sparks of Change has ignited, but the opportunities they continually present to the younger generation.

With a twist of modern and simplistic web design, the Sparks of Change Foundation now has the essential digital tools needed to continue sparking a better world.