Social Media Takes Teamwork
A recent study revealed that nearly 70% of all consumer buying decisions are influenced by social media. Does that statistic surprise you? Over the years, we’ve seen a cultural shift to an increase in both online shopping and social media usage, so it makes sense that buyers will turn to popular platforms like Instagram and Facebook to make buying decisions. One challenge that faces business owners today is the time investment that proper social media marketing requires. Social media management often falls to the wayside as business owners get busy, you know – running their business. So what’s the solution? Hire a team of social media professionals to help you! Teamwork makes the dream work.

Strength in Numbers
When it comes to social media management, there is strength in numbers. One of the reasons that Pink Dog Digital has been successful with helping clients achieve their social media goals is because of the size of our team. Each individual Pink Dog Digital team member brings a specific set of skills to our social media management team. Instead of attempting to run multiple social media channels alone, you can have a team of experts divide and conquer to make your pages a success. As a business owner, you are entitled to a break from time to time and you want to be sure your social media is still working, even when you aren’t. When you can rely on a team to monitor your pages, instead of just yourself, then you can relax knowing that things will run smoothly when you take time away.
Keep Up with the Trends
In the ever evolving world of social media, what’s working and what’s not can change on a daily basis. Take Instagram for example: their algorithm is forever evolving and it’s important to keep up with the latest trends so your business stays in front of customers. As a business owner, you don’t have time to research and keep up with the many changes that come with the social media world. Relying on help from a team of social media professionals can keep your business ahead of the curve, without requiring you to dig into the “why” and “how” behind social media.
Create a Plan
Plans are crucial to the success of an organization, which includes social media management. Working as a team can ensure that your social media channels are not missing any crucial elements, like recognizing important holidays, sharing relevant articles and communicating messages to your customer. Let a social media management team do the research to craft a consistent plan that fits your brand’s message.
Around the Clock Attention
Consistently monitoring your social media pages can feel like a full time job in itself. When you hire a social media management company to assist your business, they can be there to oversee these efforts! If you have a customer reach out through social media, you want to respond quickly to get them the answers they need. Having a team of social media professionals monitoring your pages can be extremely helpful in getting answers to your customer quickly.
Work with Pink Dog Digital
Working with a team of social media experts who have mastered the necessary marketing methods is a worthwhile investment. Rather than struggle to manage your social media pages on your own, rely on help from a team of experts to assist you. That’s where Pink Dog Digital comes in. Call us at (410) 696-3305 to see how we can take your social media presence to the next level.