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Is it Time for a Rebrand? 5 Questions to Ask

How to Plan Your Rebrand

Branding is creating a unique identity for your company. It aims to create a strong connection between customers and your company’s culture. It’s important to ask yourself as your company grows, though… is it time for a rebrand?

Your brand should reflect your current business. That’s why it’s essential to ask yourself a number of questions before deciding whether or not it’s time to rebrand.

What Is a Rebrand?

Rebranding is the process of changing a number or crucial details about an organization, which might include its image, website design, logo, and even name in some cases. By doing this, you create a different and unique identity for your brand in the market.

There are three primary types of rebranding:

  • Brand Merger: This rebranding occurs when two brands join together to form a new brand
  • Brand Refresh: This is simply updating your brand’s logo and website and introducing new features
  • Full Rebrand: This is when you completely crash your existing brand so you can start building it up afresh

Purpose of Rebranding

By rebranding your business, you strengthen it and attract more customers who may end up choosing you over your competitors.  In the market field, a brand shines for a particular time. After new technology chips in, your brand may start to become outdated. So, you need to keep up with the latest trends to stay on top of the game. 

When to Rebrand: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

1. Why Do I Want to Rebrand?

You should know the purpose of rebranding.  Are you rebranding so that you can add new services? Do you want to target a new audience? Have you outgrown your brand? 

These are among the questions you should ask yourself so that you can know the reason for your rebranding.

2. What Will I Lose After I Rebrand?

No doubt that you’ve worked hard to build your brand equity, but it’s time to rebuild it. So, you need to consider the repercussions of rebranding, even though it will bring significant changes to your business. 

Will rebranding affect your brand equity? How will your current customers accept the changes? After rebranding, will you bring profit or loss to your brand? Make sure you have the answers to all these questions to help you make an informed decision.

3. What Problem Will I Solve by Rebranding? 

Don’t rebrand for the sake of it. You will waste your time, resources, and maybe customers. Therefore, before rebranding, think about the problem you want to solve. For instance, if you have negative publicity, you need to rebrand so that you can change and impress your customers.

4. Is My Brand Reflecting My Vision?

When most people brand their organizations, they start with a mission and a vision. Along the way, things might change. So, after some time, you need to think if you’re still heading in the right direction. Always think about the future of your brand.

5. Is My Brand Outstanding Among the Competitors?

The purpose of every brand is to make good sales, right? And every brand has its competitors. To stand out in the market, you should focus on what sets your brand apart from the competitors. Check what the other brands don’t offer and have a high demand from clients. Once you find out, you can rebrand and include these services or products. This will help you to attract more customers, thus increasing your ROI.

Let Pink Dog Digital Help You Rebrand Your Business

When you decide to rebrand your business, you need a strong partner who will give you honest feedback. The team at Pink Dog digital is here to help you. 

We have a team of experts who will help you rebrand your business, including putting together a website redesign, brand guidelines, and more. With our experience, we will use the best strategies to design an interactive website that ranks on Google, thus attracting more clients to your business. 

Some of the other services that we offer include:

Contact us through our email at, call us at 410-696-3305, or fill out our contact form for more information.