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Instagram Gives Users Ability to Pin Posts to Profile

Instagram Pin Posts

Instagram recently announced a big change to how users can customize their profile, allowing them to pin up to three posts, or reels, to the top of their profile.

This has been in development since April, but is now officially a fully fledged feature. 

According to Instagram, the change is intended to give users more ability to express themselves and customize their Instagram profiles. All you have to do in order to take control of pinned posts to your profile is click the three dots at the top right of any post. Clicking this will give you the option to pin the post or reel. Users are allowed to pin up to three posts or reels. 

How Ability to Pin Posts to Instagram Profile Affects Businesses

This change, while seemingly small perhaps, opens very exciting potential for businesses and brands on Instagram. First, it allows a new level of control about what visitors to your brand or business Instagram page see. 

Before this update, it would require consistent and committed updating so that visitors to a page would see what the brand or business wanted them to near the top of the profile. Now, with this new pin feature, the most important information is front and center. The next, and perhaps most exciting, new effect of this change is that it opens the door for brands and businesses to be able to pin shop links or product displays to the top of their Instagram profiles. 

This hasn’t been announced yet, but it feels imminent. Considering Instagram’s recent moves to be more and more business friendly, the shift to allowing businesses and brands to highlight their commerce centers and offered services, seems likely. 

How Ability to Pin Posts to Instagram Profile Benefits Instagram

This change would open Instagram as a space with even more possibility for businesses and brands to market their products and services in an increasingly streamlined way. Instagram has slowly been moving toward a more fully integrated e-commerce model and this seems like a big step towards promoting it.

Since 2020, Instagram has been working towards being a one-stop-shop platform for businesses to list their items. This way, instead of using both Instagram and a third-party e-comm platform like Shopify, Instagram can keep everything streamlined and in one place.

This way, they can make seller’s fees instead of simply being a promotional platform. The goal is to make selling easier on the seller while improving the bottom line for Instagram. As a strategy, it works well for both parties. 

Being able to pin products is the natural next step for Instagram’s strategy. 

Optimize Your Instagram Strategy with Pink Dog Digital

Are you looking for a way to maximize your business’ or brand’s social media presence? Pink Dog Digital can help. 

Our social media experts are committed to optimizing your Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn presence to ensure the highest click through and conversion rates.

Contact us at 410-696-3305, email us at, or visit our website at for more information.