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Five Tips for Generating Leads Through LinkedIn

Unlike Facebook and Instagram, small businesses have often found it difficult to find their voice on LinkedIn.

However, just like any other social media platform, LinkedIn offers invaluable tools that help grow a business and generate leads.

With the help of these five digital marketing strategies, you will be boosting engagements and networking like never before.


Send Connection Requests

We understand this tip may be a given, but LinkedIn users have a tendency to not take advantage of this networking tool.

All small business owners should make it a point to connect with everyone they come in contact with throughout their work week. More connections mean more potential leads.

It is always good practice to have a “reason” to connect with people. LinkedIn gives users the option to send a personalized note.

This is a good opportunity to customize your message and improve your chances of standing out from other requests.

Join Relevant Groups

Did you know LinkedIn has groups? Yes, the networking platform is a lot more similar to Facebook than you think. LinkedIn groups allow users to connect with crowds that are relevant to their business and goals.

Groups are a great opportunity to communicate with other business people in your industry or with similar interests. With these elements in common, there is no easier way to generate mass amounts of leads from one source.

Engage With Your Connections

Getting your foot in the door with a connection is great, but maintaining that relationship is where your priorities should lie.

If you want your connections to continue to engage with you, you need to return the favor. When you like and comment on your connections postings, not only does it keep you on their radar, but it exposes you to their network as well.

Every time you comment on a post, that comment is then seen by everyone else that engages with the post, along with their entire network. This can maximize the exposure of your name and business, which in generates more leads and brand awareness.

Publish Articles and Blogs

Most small businesses already have content creation strategies and schedules in place. This content, such as articles and blogs, are posted to their website and then promoted on social media platforms. It is crucial for businesses to also promote their long-form content on LinkedIn.

Blog posts and articles can do wonders for building a company’s credibility and trustworthiness. Individuals are drawn to companies that are knowledgeable and respectable.

Fill Out Your Profile

Networking is all about getting to know people, but this is impossible if your LinkedIn has nothing to offer. It will not take more than a couple of hours to fill out work history, education, and volunteer experience.

You will thank yourself later for those tedious hours once you see the number of leads and connections that come in as a result.

Think of it this way: you are interviewing someone for a job position and they come in empty-handed; no resume, no cover letter, no references.

Would you hire them? No! So why would you expect anyone to work with you if you come to them empty-handed.

Details are important, you want your potential leads to have as much information as possible when visiting your page.

If you would like more information about generating leads through LinkedIn, need help managing your networking account, or other digital marketing services contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at