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The Future of Location-Based Marketing: Trends to Watch

The Future of Location Based Marketing Trends to Watch
The Future of Location Based Marketing Trends to Watch


Location-based marketing has become popular among marketers due to its efficiency and impact. This marketing strategy increases sales and enhances customer engagement, making it an effective digital advertising strategy

What is Location-Based Marketing?

Location-based marketing uses your customer’s location to offer customized and real-time offers. You can use the technique to target customers at a personal level based on their physical location. This marketing strategy lets you engage your customers better and learn their purchasing behaviors. Most people use smartphones when shopping or looking for information. Fortunately, they freely share their location data, allowing marketers to promote their businesses based on the data collected. 

Trends to Watch in Location-Based Marketing

The increase in connected devices has largely contributed to the growth of location-based marketing. These devices track the owner’s location, providing essential data that you can use to reach customers and improve their overall experience. However, due to privacy and data security concerns, there is need to establish strict regulations and ethical guidelines to govern its use and protect individual rights. Here are the top trends to watch in location-based marketing:

1. Augmented Location

Customers are constantly on the move. As such, pinpointing a location based on chosen favorites and maximum visits is no longer the right method for you. The augmented location enables you to engage customers in a highly interactive and thrilling way. 

The user will receive ads appropriate to their location instead of conventional feeds. This makes it convenient for your customers since they can visit the nearby store or you can do a quick delivery. Marketing experts expect location-based augmented reality to take mobile marketing by storm and enhance customer experience through problem-solving, customization, and salience.

2. Beacon Technology

Beacon technology is fast gaining pace in the marketing industry. The technology involves using a hardware device known as a Bluetooth beacon to transmit location-triggered notifications to nearby smartphones. 

You can leverage beacon marketing to interact and engage with customers at strategic locations. Beacon technology can help you understand customer behavior and prepare effective brand strategies. You can also use it for customer mapping, relative targeting, tracking, and cross-selling.

3. Geo-Fencing

Geo-fencing involves creating pre-determined virtual boundaries within a specific area. Your audience will become an active target of this marketing strategy once they enter the boundary. The users within this boundary will receive your business’s targeted offers, content, and other messages. 

Geo-fencing uses GPS technology to create the border. Any user who crosses the border will receive a notification about your products or services. Geo-fencing can help you cover large areas and divert customers from shopping with competitors since it is based on real-time location data. As GPS and IoT devices become more prevalent and accurate, geo-fencing applications will extend beyond marketing and advertising to cover a wide range of industries. 

4. Localized Mobile Apps

Localizing mobile apps involves the process of customizing a mobile app for users in a different culture, language, or region. This entails the translation of user interfaces, content, and marketing materials, as well as the customization of app features, design, and functionality to meet the unique needs and expectations of users in targeted regions. 

Mobile app localization offers a high ROI and more visibility. Companies are expected to invest more in app localization to offer customers a better experience and a new opportunity for brands to tap into different markets.

5. Hyperlocal Marketing

Hyperlocal marketing involves targeting customers within specific geographical limits with the help of location intelligence. This marketing strategy can help you relay targeted messages to customers anytime and anywhere. However, giving customers the liberty to decide whether they want to receive notifications to reduce spam content is advisable.

Contact Pink Dog Digital for Help with Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing is the way to go if you want to stay ahead of your completion and meet customer demands. This local advertising strategy lets you market your business to customers at ideal locations and times.

At Pink Dog Digital, we are ready to help you improve your campaigns and increase sales. Please call us at 1(410) 696-3305 or contact us through our website to learn more about location-based marketing.