5 Tips For Writing Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles
The success of a blog post really comes down to the success of the blog post title. If the blog title does not effectively entice the user or peak their interest, then they are less likely to click on the post or read the content.

However, writing an attention-grabbing blog title is tricky – you have to capture the audience and convey information all within a limited number of characters. That is why the team at Pink Dog Digital has put together our top 5 tips for writing attention-grabbing blog titles.
Avoid Spam Words
If there is one thing every user and consumer has in common, it is the universal distaste for spam or cliches. Brands have to keep their blog titles unique and authentic to avoid becoming boring.
The most common spam words include “magic”, “amazing”, “ultimate”, “guaranteed”, or “easy.” Many brands make the mistake of relying on these cliches when they are unwilling or unable to think of anything better.
Using these spam words and phrases has the power to greatly reduce your click-through rate. Users have become all too familiar with click-bait type blog titles that reel them in for clicks, but then the body of the blog has nothing of value to offer. If users believe your blog title to be spammy, then will not click on it, which does a great disservice to your blog content, especially if it is well-written and provides valuable information.
In an effort to catch your audience’s attention and convince them your blog is worth reading, brands should focus on incorporating fresh new words into their attention-grabbing blog titles. Start by thinking about powerful words that relate back to your industry, align with your brand, and match the purpose of the blog post.
Add Brackets
One of the most popular blog title tips that has become popular in recent years is the use of brackets.
Brackets are typically placed at the end of the blog title in order to provide extra information or clarification about the content. Located inside the brackets is a word or phrase that does not necessarily belong or fit in the true blog title, but offers a crucial explanation as to what the user should expect from the blog.
The most common use of brackets include [Study], [Data], [Infographic], [Step-by-Step Guide], [Report], [Template], and [Updated]. However, brands are free to use the brackets to provide whatever information they deem necessary.
Use Numbers
As you can see from the title of this blog post, this is a tip our team regularly incorporates into our content marketing strategy. This is because numbers are extremely appealing to readers since they let the user know exactly what they will be getting from the blog post.
However, adding numbers into blog titles is much more than just choosing a random number. The key is to research search engine result pages to determine what potential readers will be looking for or interested in. This can be accomplished by simply searching for the keyword or searching for the question your blog serves to answer.
If the SERP is full of blog posts from competing companies that offer a range of numbers between 10 and 20, then your brand might want to either stay in that designated range or go slightly above the range. This will ensure your blog post is either on par or better than the posts it is competing against for traffic and attention.
It is also important to avoid using any numbers that are currently featured on the SERP. By avoiding duplicate content, you can increase your likelihood of being ranked by search engines, which will boost traffic and open rates.
Emphasize Speed
When creating blog posts, and any content for that matter, it is always important to understand who your target audience is. Many users submit search queries in the hopes of finding a blog post that provides a quick and easy solution to their problem. Brands can better cater to the needs of these fast-moving users by emphasizing speed in the blog post title.
By including words like “quick”, “easy”, “fast”, “straightforward”, or “brisk” in the blog title, users will immediately understand the blog post is meant for a rapid solution.
Just as this tip works to attract busy users, it also serves to ward off users that might be searching for a blog post that is more comprehensive or lengthy. If users are clicking on your blog post but immediately closing the web page because the content does not match what they were looking for, this increased bounce rate can negatively impact your ratings just as much as decreased traffic.
If you would like more information about writing attention-grabbing blog titles, need help developing blog content, or other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at info@pinkdogdigital.com, or visit us on the web at www.pinkdogdigital.com.