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Linking or Losing? Understanding Why Links Matter Less in Modern SEO

Linking or Losing? Understanding Why Links Matter Less in Modern SEO
Linking or Losing? Understanding Why Links Matter Less in Modern SEO

Remember the days when SEO tactics revolved around keyword stuffing and building a web of backlinks to your site? Yeah, those were simpler times (for some). But the world of SEO has evolved, and while links still hold some weight, they’re no longer the king of the search result castle. In fact, much to the surprise of the SEO community, Google’s own Gary Illyes confirmed just last year that links matter less now than they ever have.

So, does that mean you can just ditch link building altogether? Not quite. Let’s delve into why links are less important than they used to be, but also why they’re not entirely out of the SEO game.

The Rise of the Content King (and Queen)

Back in the early days of search engines, Google relied heavily on backlinks as a way to determine a website’s authority and relevance. The more websites that were linked to yours, the more trustworthy and valuable your content must be, right? This logic led to some pretty spammy tactics, with websites manipulating backlinks just to climb the search rankings.

However, Google has become much more sophisticated over the last few years. Today, high-quality content reigns supreme. Google’s algorithms are now really good at understanding the intent behind searches and ranking websites that deliver the best possible user experience, regardless of backlinking. 

Why Content is (STILL) King

What Google is looking for these days are sites that are in-depth, informative, and deliver engaging content that truly answers users’ questions.

Here’s why content is king:

  • Focus on User Intent – Google prioritizes content that directly addresses a user’s search query. Keyword stuffing is a thing of the past; in-depth exploration of a topic is what matters.
  • Expertise Matters – Google wants to show users the most authoritative and trustworthy sources. Well-researched content with proper citations shows you know your stuff.
  • Engagement is Key – Bounce rates, time spent on page, and click-through rates all tell Google how valuable your content is. Engaging content keeps users glued to your site.

So, Is My Link Building Strategy Useless?

We get it. You’ve likely spent years working up to a really great link building strategy. Don’t worry – it hasn’t been entirely in vain. While content is king, backlinks haven’t been dethroned entirely. Think of them more like the loyal court advisors to the king. Here’s why links still matter:

  • Building Authority – Links from high-quality, relevant websites still signal to Google that your content is trustworthy and valuable.
  • Increased Traffic – Backlinks essentially act as referrals, sending traffic from other websites to yours.
  • Topic Relevance – Links from sites related to your niche tell Google your content aligns with their expertise.

How Can I Shift My Approach to Link Building?

So, how do you approach link building in this content-first SEO landscape? Truthfully, it’s not going to be all that different than how you’ve done it in the past. The main thing you want to focus on is building a backlink portfolio that serves your site. Below are a few of the best ways to go about that:

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Forget mass link-building schemes. Aim for natural backlinks from high-authority websites in your niche.

Create Link-Worthy Content

The best way to attract backlinks is to create content so good, people naturally want to share it and link to it.

Find Valuable Guest Blogging Opportunities

Contribute high-quality guest posts to relevant websites with backlinks to your own content.

Build Relationships

Network with influencers and industry leaders in your niche. Strong relationships can lead to organic backlinks.

What Happens Next?

Links are no longer one of the most important ranking factors out there. For some site masters, that’s going to come as good news – after all, link building is one of the toughest tactics to get right. Others who have spent years working solely on link building are going to be grasping for straws.

The main thing to know is that high-quality content that provides exceptional user value will continue to be a top priority while backlinks take a bit of a backseat. They still play a role in establishing authority, increasing traffic, and showing topical relevance but you never want to build a full strategy around them.

The key takeaway? Focus on creating amazing content that deserves links, and the backlinks will naturally follow.

Want to Learn More About Building a Content-First SEO Strategy?

At Pink Dog Digital, we’re all about crafting SEO strategies that get results. This means holistic strategies that aren’t focused too heavily on one ranking factor but deliver quality content on a website that is crafted with user experience in mind.

Our experienced team of content creators can deliver high-performing content that attracts users and search engines alike. Ready to get started? Reach out today to set up a consultation.