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Facebook Messenger Chatbots are Overtaking Online Marketing

Facebook Messenger ChatbotsIn this technological day and age, it is hard to believe someone has not heard of or come in contact with a chatbot. A chatbot is an artificially intelligent messaging software device, programmed to converse with people, understand questions, provide relevant answers and information, as well as execute common tasks. Recently, you have probably heard the buzz about Facebook Messenger chatbots in particular. Chatbots may be a popular topic nowadays, but is utilizing the Facebook Messenger chatbot worth it for small businesses?

The Facebook Messenger chatbot was developed solely for the purpose of conversing with the 1.3 billion active Messenger users. For small businesses, this means taking your Facebook marketing strategy from a small scale to all-inclusive.

Rather than manually reaching out to individuals who have liked your page or engaged with your posts, bots will automatically target potential customers over the Messenger platform.

The best part about this marketing strategy: the platform is already in place. As of this year, Facebook Messenger has been named the third most used app in the world. Not only is the Messenger app free and easy to use, the audience is already there.

All you have to do is design a chatbot that works for your company, and let it do the work for you. Imagine this: no cold calling, no emails that bounce back, no mailers returned to sender, just a straight-forward messaging strategy proven time and time again to be effective.

In addition to the marketing elements, chatbots serve to help businesses save time and money previously designated for customer service. The consumer world never sleeps, and neither should businesses.

With the help of Facebook Messenger bots, customers can quickly get answers to frequently asked questions and learn more information about their orders, such as tracking details. Although important, independent customer service consumes valuable time and energy that could be better spend elsewhere. For small businesses, time is money, so don’t waste it.

The success of Facebook Messenger chatbots stems from the low drop-off rate of customers as opposed to traditional email marketing strategies. When a customer receives an email, they are less inclined to respond, open the webpage, or even open the email.

But, with chatbots, customers are more likely to open the message and respond using the prompted response options. With the development of a simple transaction script, customers can even purchase products and services right on the Messenger app. Customers are more likely to follow-through with e-commerce transactions if the process is convenient and trustworthy.

The uses of Facebook Messenger chatbots are as limitless as the programming team behind them. From customer service to upselling and coupon advertising, chatbots are a game-changer for small businesses in need of a lucrative messaging marketing strategy.

If you would like more information about Facebook Messenger chatbots, need help designing or implementing a chatbot for your company, or other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at