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The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Ad Campaigns 

Almost all marketers have felt the pain of working hard on a great ad campaigns only for it to be immediately rejected by a social media platform. To avoid future devastation and content waste, marketing teams need to remain up to date on the types of content allowed, restricted, and prohibited on each social media platform.

Almost all social media and search platforms have similar standards when it comes to common controversial topics. Counterfeit products and services, infringements, illegal goods, and derogatory content are prohibited on most platforms, while political, adult, and alcohol-related content is simply restricted on a case by case basis.

But do not be fooled, each platform has its own unique and specific set of rules to abide by. To ensure all your ad campaigns are approved and published, follow this simple guideline of acceptable content for each platform.


Facebook takes pride in being a family-friendly platform, which means absolutely no dangerous content allowed. The social networking site blocks all content related to illegal products, drugs, tobacco, and weapons. All content found to violate any personal or proprietary rights will be removed.

In addition to content, Facebook also does its best to restrict spam. If your advertisement links to a non-functioning page, or a series of ads pop-up on the screen, the ad will be deleted.

For the more controversial topics, such as online dating or political campaigns, only users who express explicit interest in the subject will be exposed to the ads. The site prioritizes the safety of their users, so if your advertisements do not comply, neither will Facebook.


In recent years, Google has worked tirelessly to simplify advertisement policies and practices. The list of prohibited content is very similar to Facebook’s items, but with an added emphasis on legal requirements – strict location-based policies with regards to local laws and regulations.

As a search engine, Google’s policies differ slightly from other social media platforms by not only restricting content but restricting how companies use ad analytics. Google does not approve of abusing the system by misusing data, collecting data without permission or proper security measures, or misrepresenting data.


As a professional social networking site, LinkedIn has some of the most obscure and interesting list of prohibited ad content: no fortune telling, dream interpretations, horoscopes (except for amusement purposes), and especially no political ads.

Whereas Facebook and other platforms simply restrict political content, LinkedIn prohibits any and all content relating to political candidates, advocates, or voting.

Due to its professional nature, LinkedIn has set some restrictive boundaries on the buying, selling, and soliciting of goods. Marketers are discouraged from posting advertisements that include animal products, dating services, medical devices, and medications.

If you would like more information about prohibited or restricted social media content, need help developing ad content, or other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at