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SMS Marketing Best Practices: Tips for Crafting High-Converting Messages

SMS Marketing Best Practices: Tips for Crafting High-Converting Messages
SMS Marketing Best Practices: Tips for Crafting High-Converting Messages

Have you ever considered SMS marketing to reach your target audience? Many businesses globally are turning to SMS marketing, which drives results with just a button click. From appointment reminders to promotions, you can successfully deliver to your clients right where they’re at from anywhere. Unlike email marketing, which is often ignored, SMS has a high chance of being opened immediately. 

In 2022, 55% of businesses sent SMS to their customers and got higher open rates and click-throughs than they did with email marketing. However, despite its benefits, most businesses hesitate to use SMS marketing due to the misconceptions that SMS is outdated or annoying to customers. When you employ best practices for SMS marketing, it can be an incredibly effective tool.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a way of sending promotional or transactional messages via text. Businesses use it to send personalized promotions, discounts, or surveys to individuals who have consented to receive text messages from the business. If used correctly, SMS marketing can boost customer engagement significantly and enhance conversions. It is an effective way to receive client feedback, keep communication channels open, and understand customer behavior. 

Why Does SMS Marketing Matter?

SMS marketing has an incredibly high open rates of approximately 98% and is appropriate for sending time-sensitive information. With SMS, you can segment users into groups for targeted campaigns, thus tailoring the message to each group based on their needs, location, or purchase history. 

In addition to high open rates, SMS marketing has a number of other benefits, including:

  • Immediate engagement
  • Personal connection with the target audience
  • Cost-effective as there are no subscription fees and low cost of sending an SMS

Tips for Crafting High-Converting Messages

While SMS marketing is effective, it’s critical to ensure that the messages you’re sending are engaging in order to encourage high conversion rates. There’s a ton of competition out there, which is why you always want to ask yourself how you can stand out. These are some of the best ways to craft your SMS messages:

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

Brevity is key to SMS marketing. Your messages should be concise and to the point. SMS marketing messages are limited to 160 characters. You need to ensure that every word counts. Avoid industry jargon and use simple language that your audience can easily understand. 

2. Use a Clear Call to Action

A clear and compelling call to action drives conversions from your SMS marketing campaign. The CTA should be the focal point for your message. Use words like claim your discount or buy now, to encourage the reader to take the next step. Ensure your URL links are clear and take the audience to the relevant landing page. 

3. Provide Value or Incentives to Your Audience

Your messages should provide value to your customers that encourages them to act. Whether that’s a discount code, a free trial, or content they can’t find anywhere, ensure the message is worth their time. This increases customer loyalty and conversion rates. 

4. Test and Optimize Your Message

Like any digital marketing campaign, SMS marketing requires testing and optimization for best results. Personalize the messaging, incentives, and CTA and experiment with different messaging formats to see what resonates best with your clients. Utilize data and analytics to monitor indicators such as click-throughs, open rates, and conversion rates, and make the necessary changes to enhance your outcomes. 

Enhance Your SMS Marketing with Pink Dog Digital

Start implementing SMS marketing best practices today with Pink Dog Digital and watch your conversions skyrocket. 


Our experienced team of specialists will take the work out of your marketing needs by helping you define your brand’s message and increasing your digital footprint.


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