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4 Reasons SMS Marketing Is Back In A Big Way

Let’s be honest: how many times a day do you check your phone? If you are among the majority of smartphone owners, you check your phone upwards of 100 times a day, beginning as soon as you wake up and ending right before you fall asleep at night. When it comes to email marketing, a majority of emails are deleted without ever being opened or clicked through first. The average open rate for businesses is around 15-25%, compared to the 80% average open rate for SMS, or short message services.

While email marketing is still alive and well, SMS marketing has been shown as a powerful tool to get your business in front of your target audience. If you are still uncertain if this marketing medium is right for your business, take a moment to read over these advantages.

sms marketing

SMS offers a high engagement rate

Take a moment to look at your phone – how many unread emails do you have sitting in your inbox, compared to the few unread text messages?

With every ding and chime, users tend to open text messages immediately. This is because text messaging is personal and intimate, users do not want to miss texts from family, friends, or even coworkers.

For businesses, this means SMS communications will be read instantly, which serves to push messages to a much larger percentage of their target audience than email or ad campaigns.

SMS analytics

Businesses are able to track SMS performances just as easily as social media or CRM analytics. With the help of programs and software, businesses can track the open rate and click rate.

In addition, this software even allows businesses to track who has opened the message and the link they clicked.

The analytics also serve to help businesses keep an updated and clean consumer database. If a number bounces back or has repeated ignored messages, businesses know they are either no longer interested in communications or have inaccurate contact information.

Direct consumers back to your website with ease

Many businesses use SMS marketing efforts to direct subscribers to their website and thus increase sales. With a simple, yet intriguing, message, users will be encouraged to click the link to receive special deals or coupons. With the coupon in hand, users will be motivated to buy that additional product or service.

Plus, this cross-platform linking between text messaging and website will help spark a domino effect of benefits – increased web traffic will improve SEO rank which in turn will further increase web traffic, and so on and so forth.

As a small business, this marketing strategy can lead to invaluable gains all for the low cost of 15% of your total purchase.

If you would like more information about SMS marketing, need help managing your SMS marketing strategies, or other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at