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Most Effective LinkedIn Posts

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LinkedIn is the largest B2B social networking site for professionals from managers, and vice presidents to CEOs from different industries to interact and network. The online community of 830 million members, 58 million companies, and 120,000 listed schools is currently seeing its highest levels of engagement with activity on the platform expected to rise significantly in the next phase of pandemic recovery. 

LinkedIn offers an excellent opportunity to build an engaged audience and a solid reputation as a leader in your industry. In addition, it is a great platform to share your company’s culture with potential recruits, partners, and customers. 

So, with more than a million publishers contributing at least 130,000 posts a week, how can you make your posts on the platform stand out and more effective? The following tips can help. 

Master Storytelling for Different Content Types 

Something many get wrong is disproportionately focusing more on the advertisement aspect in publishing online content. As a result, the value of appealing to emotions through personal stories is often overlooked. Digital storytelling is a powerful marketing tool allowing you to appeal to your audience’s emotions, connect with them, build a solid presence online, and engage your audience. 

Since stories trigger emotions and therefore, sell and lead to the desired outcome, what you need to master is brand storytelling. Create engaging stories about your company that your audience can relate to through the following content types:

 Blog posts

  • Case studies, research, and industry news 
  • How-to and list-type tips 
  • Company updates 

Also, take extra steps to study your audience to create informative, educational, and entertaining content relevant to their interests. Remember, this is a platform for professionals, so be professional about your posts. 

Incorporate Visuals in Your Posts 

Long gone are the days when a simple text update on social media got you noticed. Today, you must include attractive images or stunning graphics to increase your level of engagement from your audience. science reveals that the human brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text and nearly 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual. The following visual images and graphics tips can help: 

  • Align visuals with the story 
  • Visual images and graphics should reflect and represent your audience 
  • Be emotional with your visuals 
  • Repurpose information and insights as visuals 
  • Add your site or social media buttons to the visuals 

Create Catchy Headlines 

A headline essentially influences online content’s readability, searchability, and virality. It is perhaps the most important part of writing as far as online content especially where LinkedIn is concerned. As David Ogilvy once said, “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

So, a good headline will grab the attention of your audience, helps in SEO, gain attention on social bookmarking sites, and create a safe and honest reading environment to encourage people to revisit your timeline. LinkedIn being a platform for professionals, including the following keywords in your headlines can boost your visibility: 

  • Habits 
  • Mistakes 
  • Successful 
  • Leaders or leadership
  • Management 

Content creation on LinkedIn is complex because unlike other social media platforms, it is a social network for professionals. You must be adept at creating intriguing and engaging posts that your audience can relate to. 

Pink Dog Digital can also help. We’re a highly experienced brand in digital solutions, offering social media services, including LinkedIn, to individuals and businesses. 

Contact us at 410-696-3305 or email our team to get a quote.