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Do Not Stop Marketing During A Global Crisis

With the global crisis situation changing daily, there are many unknowns about what is to come next. But there is one thing for certain: now is not the time to slow down on digital marketing and advertising. If anything, now is the time to be ramping up your online efforts and presence. Continue reading to learn more about the ways in which digital marketing can help your small business during a global crisis, and after.

marketing crisis

Keep the company in consumer’s minds

The worst thing a small business can do in times of crisis is to go radio silent. Even if consumers are not necessarily buying your products or services at this time, this does not mean they won’t be buying them again in the future. So when that time comes, it is important that your brand has stayed on their radar.

Another reason small businesses’ should continue marketing is the competition has most likely declined. Not every company has the bandwidth to continue advertising, which means your company has an opportunity to reach a bigger audience and gain a percentage of your competition’s customers.

Showcase corporate stability

In times of crisis, it is important for consumers to know their favorite brands possess corporate stability. Consumers prefer to do business with companies they know are going to be around for the long-run.

If a brand is not giving off the image of corporate stability, customers are less likely to buy products or engage with the company.

Corporate stability reinforces trust between businesses and consumers. When a customer orders a product online, they want to know their order is guaranteed.

A consistent online presence shows that the company is still open or working through this challenging time. But more importantly, it shows that no matter what, that company puts their consumers first.

If something goes wrong with their order, the customer knows that the business has a team ready to help solve any problems.

Re-position brand and introduce new virtual services

Even though small businesses should continue their digital marketing efforts, this does not mean they should continue ahead as planned. This global crisis has changed the ways in which users view and understand products.

This challenging time calls for all new marketing material and content. For some small businesses, this is the perfect time to re-position their brand.

Lately, many small businesses have been working to offer virtual services. This means offering virtual meetings, presentations, live events, and other performances.

If your small business has only provided in-person services in the past, but are beginning to offer new virtual services, digital advertising will help you launch your new line.

For your current customers, this new virtual service will be easy to highlight with emails and social media posts. But in order to spread the word and generate leads, digital ads are the best solution.

If you would like more information about marketing during a global crisis, need help with your digital marketing efforts, or other digital marketing services, please contact us at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at