LIGHT Health & Wellness Website Launch
We at Pink Dog Digital are thrilled to announce the launch of LIGHT Health & Wellness’ new website, which is full of updated features and great new design elements.

When it comes to nonprofit organizations, there is only one thing as important as the mission statement, and that is the programs and services they provide their patrons. Services and programs allow nonprofits to advance their causes and make a concrete impact on the community.
That is why the Pink Dog Digital team focused on perfecting LIGHT’s Programs web page. The goal of the Programs page is to provide a comprehensive description that works to benefit all types of visitors, including both active and potential donors, volunteers, and clients.
Under Programs, users can find an overview of all the services that LIGHT provides, including child care, family services, non-medical case management, emergency financial assistance, support groups, and more. Each individual program blurb is complete with a relevant photo, short description, and link to a secondary webpage that describes the program in greater detail.
Starting with an all-encompassing Programs page that hosts all the subpages serves to boost user experience. Rather than overwhelming the visitor with all the information at once, the Programs web page allows users to learn about the specific services they are interested in, at their own rate.
In addition to programs and services, the next most crucial website feature is the donation page. Since LIGHT Health & Wellness relies on the generosity of donors and sponsors to continue their mission, the Pink Dog Digital team wanted to make sure donating online was as easy as possible.
To do so, the PDD team knew each webpage needed at least one “Donate” button to steer users in the right direction. Each call-to-action donation button is bright green so it stands out against the white background. There is even a green donate button located at the bottom of the navigation menu, which means users will never have to go searching for very long to give back.
The Donation page offers the multiple ways that users can support LIGHT Health & Wellness by donating online, by phone, or by mail. Each method is signified by simple, yet effective graphics that match the company’s brand colors.
Another important aspect of an effective donation page design is the ability to highlight what the donation will mean for the organization and the local community it supports.
Supporters want to know exactly what their donation will be used for. That is why the creative team at Pink Dog Digital crafted a brief description that showcases what financial contributions have helped the LIGHT team accomplish in the past and what they hope they accomplish in the future.
Or if the visitor wants to get involved with LIGHT Health & Wellness in other ways, we have also created a comprehensive Events calendar, Resources page, and Contact form.
All of us at Pink Dog Digital are confident this new web design will better help the LIGHT team on their mission to provide services to members of the Baltimore community that have been impacted by chronic illnesses.
If your business is ready for a new website, Pink Dog Digital can help. Contact us online or give us a call at 1 (410) 696-3305.