Web Design Trends FAQs

Web Design Trends FAQs

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How do you create an immersive 3D web design?

Unlike a flat 2D design, an immersive 3D website is all about creating depth. Soft shadows, layers, varying colors, and gradients provide a complex look that makes it seem like the graphics are floating over each other. This can be accomplished using graphics, text, and images.

An immersive web design is not just about creating advanced visuals, it draws users in and encourages them to stay on the website longer.

What is white space?

White space refers to the unused space surrounding elements on a website. The space is used to frame or separate objects and give designs more structure.

The space is commonly white, hence the name, but it can be any solid background color. The empty areas can be found between visuals, in margins, between text, and any other blank areas between design elements.

What is a dynamic landing page?

A landing page is the webpage a visitor ends up at after clicking on a link in an email, social media post, ad, or any other marketing platform.

The page is meant to convert leads into customers. In order to accomplish this, your landing page must include dynamic design trends, such as animations, illustrations, and other interactive elements. These elements keep users engaged and interested longer than a static landing page, which will encourage conversions.

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