Voice Search FAQs

Voice Search FAQs

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What is voice search?

Voice search allows users to search the Internet through spoken voice commands. The function is available on desktops or mobile devices, as well as virtual assistant devices, such as Amazon Echo or Google Home. For each voice search query, the voice assistant will use information from the Featured Snippet to answer the user’s question.

What is the best way to optimize my website for voice search?

With the advent of Alexa, Google Home, and cars with voice activated controls installed, optimizing for voice search is more important than ever. When people use voice search, they generally treat it like talking to another person. You want the content on your website to be conversational, which means optimizing for long-tail keywords. FAQ pages are also great for voice search since the content is naturally created in a conversational question and answer format.

Why is voice search important?

Voice search has become increasingly popular in recent years. An estimated 50% of searches are done using voice search, which equals to about 20,000 searches every second. Optimizing for voice search allows brands to drive more traffic and improve overall user experience.

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