User Experience FAQs
What is UI?
UI stands for user interface. This refers to anything that the user sees and interacts with on a digital platform.
What is UX?
UX stands for user experience. It refers to how a user feels while interacting with the interface. You always want the user to enjoy the experience on your site.
Can the hero image on a website be a video?
Sure! It works very well in some cases. We don’t generally recommend using video in your hero, though, simply because it slows your load speed down. People have very short attention spans and don’t want to wait for more than about three seconds for a site to load before they click off.
Are UI and UX Important for SEO?
Yes, both are important for your Google rankings. User interface is the technical piece of SEO while the way that the user navigates through the site influences important metrics, like bounce rate, time on page, and click-through. Google takes all of these into consideration when ranking pages.