Split Testing FAQs

Split Testing FAQs

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What is SEO split testing?

SEO split testing involves testing two different versions of the same webpage in order to see which elements perform better. On version A, companies might include an image, shorter product description, and CTA button.

Version B would include a video, longer product description, and CTA text. Based on which webpage yielded the best SEO results, companies can tweak and optimize their website without a complete overhaul.

How to know which webpages to split test?

The first step is understanding how well each of your pages are performing and their conversion rates. Think of it this way: your homepage gets 300 visitors each day and 250 of those visitors get converted to the product listing page.

But then only 75 people make it to the checkout page, there is most likely a problem with the product page. If a certain page is not performing or converting users, split testing can find the problems while providing solutions.

Can you perform split testing for emails?

Yes! The best way to improve your open and click rates is to experiment with different email campaigns. This means testing different subject lines, layouts, special offers, closing text, and images. Another great experiment involves sending emails on different days of the week, or even different times of day, to see when your audience is most active.

What is Visual Search?

Visual search allows users to upload an image to search the web. Search engines have designed specific websites for visual searches, including Google Images and Bing Images. Users can upload photos or screenshots as starting points to find what they are looking for.

Can you use a visual search on social media platforms?

Yes – Pinterest is known for their visual search tools that allows users to find specific products. By simply taking a photo, users can find product names, description, where to buy it, or find similar items.

If you are looking for a specific product, it will be much easier to search with a photo instead of trying to describe the product.

How can my company optimize for visual search?

The best way to optimize for visual search is by offering an abundant amount of images on your website. Every product or service should have multiple photos complete with various angles.

Being optimized for visual search means optimizing your photos. Take advantage of keywords, image titles, image descriptions, and alternative text. This ensures your photos are not only fully accessible, but appear higher in search results.

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