Social Media Scheduling FAQs

Social Media Scheduling FAQs

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What is a scheduler?

A social media scheduler is a marketing automation tool that allows brands to schedule social media posts in advance. Brands can schedule posts weeks or months ahead of time, which means they will be less likely to miss a day. They can also choose the specific time they want their content to be published so it can have the most reach and impact on their audience.

What are the benefits of using a social media scheduling tool?

A social media scheduling tool means brands can maintain a constant social media presence without having someone actually be online 24/7. It would be a complete waste of time for brands to manually post every time, especially if they are posting various times throughout the day on multiple social media accounts. Instead, brands can efficiently schedule all posts ahead of time, which effectively saves time and resources that brands can then use elsewhere.

Which social media scheduling system is the best?

It really all depends on your needs. At Pink Dog Digital, our favorite is Pallyy (and no, we’re not getting kickbacks – we just really like them). They offer everything we need to schedule posts and stories at a price that makes sense for our clients. Other platforms like Later work well for more enterprise-level clients. If you’re managing your own social media, we recommend doing your research.

Do social media platforms ding you for using social media scheduling tools?

No, social media platforms will not penalize brands for using social media scheduling tools. In fact, creating and scheduling social media posts in advance actually allows brands to create better content, which positively affects reach and engagement.

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