Notifications FAQs

Notifications FAQs

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What are browser push notifications?

Browser push notifications allow companies to engage with users even when they do not have your website open. These push notifications appear in the users desktop or mobile browser.

Users can opt into these notifications after visiting the website – a popup will appear asking the user to either allow or block the push messages.

Are browser push notifications effective?

It takes the average user over six hours to open an email from a company, but a browser push notification is seen almost immediately. They are best used to re-engage with users that visited the site but did not make a purchase.

Unlike other forms of communication, businesses do not need any personal information from the users to send these messages, such as emails, social media accounts, or names.

What is privacy marketing?

Brands practice privacy marketing by respecting their customers personal data. Aside from safeguarding personal information, companies should be committed to gaining and maintaining consumer trust. This includes understanding the audience, how they wish to be engaged with, and developing personal relationships.

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