Micro-Moments FAQs

Micro Moments FAQs

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How many times do you see people pull out their phone and say “let me look it up.” That is a micro-moment.

It is the moment a user turns to a device to act on a need – a need to learn something, to buy something, or to do something.

How to profit off micro-moments?

Micro-moments are synonymous with instant gratification. A user will hear about a specific product, want to learn more about it, and, hopefully, want to buy it.

Companies are able to capitalize off of micro-moments by being there when users are making decisions. If the company is guiding the user through the marketing funnel, the user will build brand preferences and ultimately purchase from that company.

How to optimize for micro-moments?

The first step is determining your consumers micro-moments. Based on your business, identify what your consumers are interested in learning about, and most importantly, why they want to buy your products and services.

This will help you create relevant content that allows you to be there for your customers in their micro-moments.

Optimizing for micro-moments means not only being a resource for users, but being useful and convenient. If a user decides they want to buy, your website should allow for an easy purchase. Micro-moments are called moments for a reason – if your website is taking too long or is too complicated, the user will have no trouble going to competing company.

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