Live FAQs

Live FAQs

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What does it mean to “go live” on social media?

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all have their own live streaming services. Broadcasting live is a great way for businesses to provide content to viewers in real time.

The live feature allows brands to easily and instantly go live from a desktop or mobile device. Broadcasters can decide which users can see the video, and even send notifications to the audience so they will not miss out.

When should brands broadcast live?

A live video is not only fun, but can be an extremely powerful business tool. There are many important moments that brands may want to share with their audience, and now they can.

Hosting a question and answer session allows brands to receive feedback and address concerns. A live stream of an event or behind the scene allows users to feel connected even if they were unable to attend. Or even just telling a quick mission moment, sharing an announcement, or releasing a product.

What is the Continue thread on Twitter?

Previously, a Twitter thread consisted of an original tweet, followed by various reply tweets, made by the same author. This means that all of the tweets in the thread had to be composed one at a time.

With the Continue thread option, users can more easily link multiple tweets together while composing them. Users can even choose to continue the thread of a previous tweet.

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