Geofencing FAQs

Geofencing FAQs

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What is geofencing marketing?

Geofencing is a location-based service that uses GPS and apps to distinguish the location of users. From there, companies can target users in a specific location to show them relevant advertisements.

How is geofencing marketing effective?

Geofencing marketing allows stores to immediately target users in the area that can readily visit the storefront to browse products. If your business offers services, you can target areas where potential customers are most likely to be. Or if your company travels or hosts pop-up events, you can geofence market to the location you will be next.

Who will write my company’s blogs?

Our creative team at Pink Dog Digital is readily available to successfully perform all your blogging needs. Businesses that write their own content often see a lack of results. You need fresh eyes and ideas to make a blog successful, not to mention SEO training and a skilled digital marketing approach, all of which you can find at PDD.

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