Blog Title & Image FAQs

Blog Title & Image FAQs

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Do blog titles impact SEO?

Blog titles play an important role in SEO. Search engines prefer to rank blog posts that prove relevant to users.

That is why the best way to choose a blog title is to think like a search engine user. What would they search to get the information you provide in your blog? If your blog title matches what users are searching for, your post is more likely to rank, and rank highly.

How to improve SEO for blog titles?

For starters, it is always better to use actual text for blog titles, instead of images or graphics. Since search engines can not read the text on an image, your blog will not reap the SEO benefits of the title.

Keywords and phrases should be placed at the beginning of the blog title to ensure it appears on the results page. Search engines normally cut titles off after 60 characters on the SERPs.

Can blog images affect SEO?

Yes! Search engines can not read textual content within images, but it can read image titles. This means your blog post can appear on the image search results page – if your images are titled properly.

Try matching the image title to the topic of the blog post. You can even use the blog title as the image title to ensure relevancy and boost image SEO.

What is Alt Text?

Alternative text, or alt text, is used to describe the appearance and function of an image on a web page. If the image does not load properly or the user can not see the image, the alt text will help the user understand the meaning and relevance of the image. When uploading images, businesses should always be using Alt text to not only help visually impaired users, but also help search engines better index their images.

What is Anchor Text?

Anchor text is the clickable text on a webpage that links to another webpage or initiates a file download. Anchor text is typically signified on the page by a different font or text color, and will become underlined when hovered over. The text itself should be chosen carefully – it should tell users exactly what to expect before they click on the link.

What are image captions?

An image caption is the text that appears in a gray box underneath the image on a webpage. The caption is meant to provide additional context to the reader as they scan through the article. Captions should be no more than two sentences long and should explain the who, what, when, where, and why of the image.

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