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Beyond Social Media: Emerging Platforms and Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

Beyond Social Media: Emerging Platforms and Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024
Beyond Social Media: Emerging Platforms and Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

The future of digital marketing has perhaps never looked as dynamic as it does right now. This past year, in social media alone, we witnessed the birth of a brand new social network in Threads and a rebrand for the platform formerly known as Twitter. We’ve also seen major growth in bite-sized visual content on platforms like Tik Tok and Instagram Reels.

One might call it dynamic growth, while others might call it disruptive – or just plain confusing! But brands that continue to keep up with the latest marketing trends will be well-positioned for growth. Here are some of the trends we’re watching heading into 2024.

The Growth of AI Tools

AI developed quite rapidly over the course of 2023 and many tech companies are investing heavily into further refinements of this technology.

In 2024, we anticipate that AI will continue its full-scale implementation into digital marketing. Chatbots will become more sophisticated and give more human-like answers to customer queries. Brands will be able to use predictive analytics to make decisions on where to invest their marketing dollars. Customers will be able to access instant support 24/7 and get personalized recommendations delivered to them through the power of AI.

AI has also proven to be a useful tool for companies looking to bolster their content marketing strategies. Here, brands will need to tread carefully and monitor developments from Google to ensure their websites are still well-optimized.

Remember that Google’s biggest interest is getting people to use their site for search, so your content, whether it is written by AI or by a human, needs to be useful, authoritative, and relevant to your audience.

Developments in Voice Search

Voice search queries continue to grow as more and more users gravitate towards Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google’s Voice Assistant. If your brand hasn’t started taking it seriously yet, 2024 is the year where we expect voice search to reach new heights.

To optimize your content for voice search, you’ll need to consider two important features.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are typically multiple words long and can be quite specific. You might think that these types of keywords aren’t worth targeting judging from the low amount of search queries. 

However, a comprehensive content marketing strategy will make good on targeting long-tail keywords in a bid to make the website more authoritative in the eyes of the search engine. This, in turn, leads to higher SERPs for shorter, broader, and more competitive keywords. Voice search is fully driven by long-tail keywords, so focusing on these will be hugely advantageous if you’re trying to capture some of that traffic.

Natural Language Processing

Of course, since voice search is powered by language, brands will need their content strategies to key in on search terms that sound natural for native speakers. Important strategies here are to create content that sounds very natural to listen to (written in a conversational style) and that answers common questions customers may have.

The Continued Rise of Visual Content

Platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram Reels have exploded in popularity and brands are looking to get their voices heard there. While it’s too early to declare that long-form content is dead, it’s undeniable that very short-form, bite-sized content is the current preferred method for social media users to consume video content.

Videos don’t need to be slick or highly-produced to have a positive effect. In fact, a certain rawness is preferable as it communicates authenticity to the viewer. By focusing on making your brand authentic, and creating a real connection with your viewer, you’ll find your efforts will be well-rewarded.

Personalized Marketing

On a similar note, 2024 should also see the continued rise of highly personalized marketing programs. We have found that, no matter what form of digital marketing it might be, nothing is as effective as a well-tailored, personalized marketing campaign. This sort of campaign helps the customer feel like they’re being seen and valued by the brand.

Of course, there’s a fine line between an effective personalized marketing plan and one where the customer feels like they’re being watched. You want marketing to be personalized but not invasive. In general, a compelling email or SMS marketing campaign can put in a lot of work and generate brand loyalty with some relatable language and a compelling sales pitch.


2024 should also see a continued rise in the amount of web traffic coming in through mobile devices. As of December 2023, over 36% of all web traffic in the United States originates from mobile, compared to a little under 64% for desktop devices. These numbers even out more if you consider global web traffic. What does this mean for brands?

          Continue to think about your mobile customers when it comes to web design and marketing.

          Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.

          Craft mobile-friendly email campaigns and SMS campaigns to promote engagement.

          Invest in mobile app development, if applicable.

Final Thoughts

2024, if nothing else, promises to be quite an intriguing year for digital marketing. The industry likely hasn’t been this dynamic since the full scale growth of social media in the mid-2000’s.

Our advice to brands looking to get ahead in 2024? Stay adaptable in your marketing strategy. If your brand is agile and willing to make changes, you’ll be putting yourself in the best possible position for success. This means regularly assessing your campaigns, making adjustments where needed, and pivoting as industry trends dictate. By doing this, you’ll be in good shape for whatever the industry throws your way next year.

Learn More About Future Marketing Trends with Pink Dog Digital

Ready to explore the trends that are shaping the future of digital marketing? Pink Dog Digital can help you make sense of it all! At Pink Dog Digital, we create an online experience that turns users into followers and followers into customers. We have a customized strategy to meet your needs. 

Some of our services include:

  • Digital advertising
  • Social media management
  • Web design
  • Content creation
  • Search engine optimization

Contact us at 410-696-3305 or email us at for any inquiries or to book a service. You can also fill out our online Contact Us form or visit our website to learn more about us.