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How To Boost Email Click-Through Rate

The average email click-through rate is about 2.5%. This percentage might seem low, but even the biggest brand names have yet to reach click-through rates in the double digits.

image representing increasing email click-through rateThe truth is: many people subscribe to email subscriptions but never actually open any emails, let alone click on a link. Any small business can have thousands of email addresses, but you need an effective email marketing campaign to convert subscribers into customers.

Each email needs a clear goal.

Every email campaign needs a singular clear goal. Without one, your users will just be receiving a load of information and content that they will not know what to do with.

The goal of an email can vary greatly depending on the company. It could be promoting a new product, selling tickets to an upcoming event, or driving traffic to the latest blog post. Whatever the goal might be, brands need to make it clear to the audience so they may take the proper action.

Not only is this helpful to the user, it is also helpful to the company. Establishing the goal will help the company design the email campaign.

The goal should dictate all the elements of the email. If you are trying to sell tickets, include photos from the previous year’s event to motivate users to attend this year’s event. If you are trying to promote a new product, use the copy to describe the product and use the call to action button to drive the user to the product’s webpage.

Use strong visuals.

Visuals can be a complete game-changer or deal-breaker when it comes to email campaigns. A strong visual has the power to grab a viewer’s attention and encourage them to engage with content, and ultimately click on the offer. A blurry or dull image piques no interest in the eyes of the viewer – it will not prompt the user to scroll down to learn more or click on the link.

In this society, less is always more. No one has the time to read through paragraph after paragraph describing a new product or recent company update. Instead, brands should let their visuals do the heavy lifting. Try pairing a strong visual with a simple heading, caption, and most importantly, call-to-action button. The fewer the distractions, the more likely the user will complete the company’s desired goal.

Use segmentation to personalize emails.

The average consumer receives dozens of marketing emails every day. This means your company needs to do more than just send mass emails – you need to personalize your emails in order to stand out from the crowd.

If you are looking for a simple yet effective personal touch, try adding the user’s name in the subject line or in the textual content. When a user sees their name pop up, they are more compelled to click on the email.

By personalizing the email based on the user’s previous purchases or shopping behavior, brands have a better chance of getting that user to click on the offer.

Break email down into content chunks.

As we previously mentioned, no one has the time nor patience to read long-form content on a daily basis. A majority of individuals scan through emails looking for quick information or interesting content that jumps out at them.

To appeal to the scanners of the world, companies should break up their email content into logical chunks. Each chunk should feature a headline, body text, and relevant photo.

If you have multiple chunks, use white space to ensure each section is spaced out properly. Users should be able to know when one content chunk ends and the next one begins. Brands should also try to prioritize chunks and list them from high priority to low priority within the email. That way, even if the user only reads the first chunk, it is the most important one.

When crafting the content chunk, try to keep the text short, but powerful. The goal is to use keywords and phrases that would stand out to the user and make them stop scanning and start clicking.

If done correctly, users will be able to scan through the email and understand the bigger picture without having to read word for word.

Practice email scrubbing.

Every brand, big or small, can expect a certain level of email list churn. Email churn refers to the number of subscribers that leave or become inactive. This includes the users that lose interest in the product, brand, or simply stop using that email address.

Email scrubbing is the process of removing unengaged users from your email list. Removing subscribers between six months to a year of inactivity is considered best practice.

Participating in email scrubbing serves to immediately boost your open and click rates, but it provides much more than just superficial benefits.

Removing these users is like removing the barrier between higher engagement levels. This will allow your company to focus on users that are genuinely interested in your brand. Once you have identified this audience, you can then gear your content towards them, which will lead to a higher click rate.

If you would like more information about boosting your company’s click rate, need help creating an email marketing campaign, or other digital marketing services please contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at