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Easy Ways to Generate Customer Reviews

Easy Ways to Generate Customer Reviews

Whether you’re running a B2B or B2C business, online customer reviews are very influential. A single Google review can shape your business far more than a Google Ad. But it can be challenging to get customers to write positive reviews about your business. So, how do you generate customer reviews? 

Why are Customer Reviews so Important?

We all know that consumers trust reviews. It makes sense for any buyer to trust recommendations more than what the business writes about itself. Creating meaningful social proof can help to reassure customers, reduce churn rate, and promote your brand.

According to HubSpot research, below are some statistics to show the impact of customer reviews on your brand:

  • Customers trust recommendations from friends and family more than online marketing and advertising
  • 85% of consumers trust online reviews almost as much as personal recommendations
  • 60% of consumers believe customer reviews are very trustworthy
  • 73% of customers trust a business more because of positive reviews

How to Generate Customer Reviews

If you’re trying to figure out how to get customers to write positive reviews about your brand, here are a few tips to consider:

Start by Just Asking

The best and easiest way to encourage customers to write reviews is to ‘just ask’. In most cases, your customers will be happy and willing to write about their experience with your brand. Some of the simple ideas to ask for reviews include:

  • Ask in every email you send by including a link to your review page on your email signature
  • Reach out to customers on social media and politely ask them to write a review
  • Include a call to action on your website, invoices, receipts, etc., asking clients to give reviews
  • Call your best clients and ask for reviews
  • Ask customers to write a review after you’ve solved their issues

Give them Options

Don’t rely on your website as the only platform for customers to leave reviews. Identify which platforms your customers use most and ask them to leave a review there. The process is easier for them and this motivates them to make an effort.

Be on Review Platforms

Having a strong online presence increases your chances of getting more customer reviews. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider popular review sites such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google to make it easier for customers to review you.

Offer Incentives

Your customer’s time is valuable. So, it helps to appreciate and encourage them to write a review by offering an incentive. Remember, you’re not buying the reviews, you’re just thanking your customers for taking the time to review your business. You can do the following:

  • Offer a discount
  • Offer gifts
  • Provide a bonus or an upgrade
  • Give gift cards

Respond to all Reviews

Always respond to all reviews, whether positive or negative. While it might be tempting to ignore the negative reviews, this can ruin your online reputation, and most customers will perceive that you don’t value their opinions. On the other hand, addressing negative reviews shows your commitment to improving customer experience, which increases brand loyalty.

Share Positive Reviews on your Website and Social Pages

When you gather positive reviews, don’t hesitate to show them off on your website and all social pages. This helps to increase visibility and shows that you have a trustworthy reputation. It also encourages other customers to share their experiences.

Pink Dog Digital Can Help You Generate More Customer Reviews

When it comes to generating more customer reviews, Pink Dog Digital can help. From online reputation management to social media marketing and digital advertising, our team has the expertise to help you build a positive brand reputation and increase sales conversions. 

Get in touch with us today through the contact form on our website, email us at, or call us at (410) 696-3305. We are happy to help you.