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Define Hair & Skin Launches a New Website

Pink Dog Digital loved working with the Define Hair & Skin team to bring their new website to life! Their new website is sleek and eye-catching to appeal to all users visiting. The professional and exquisite aroma of the salon travels through to the user’s eye on their home page and within the site structure as a whole. With its clean build, you can easily navigate to any area of the website you are looking for. The new Define Hair & Skin website has an exceptional GUI which looks pleasing to all visitors and is sure to capture plenty of potential leads in 2022.

Define. Hair & Skin


While in the back-end of website development for this new site, our team optimized the best practices when it comes to website search engine optimization and programming. Keywords are interspersed throughout each page, and locations are included in the footer for maximum visibility. This collaborative effort will help boost the overall SERP (search engine results page) ranking for the site, which also helps with sales conversions.

Design Choices

When it comes to design, our team paid close attention to detail for the new Define Hair & Skin website. Each element is carefully placed to remain pleasing to potential prospects’ eyes while navigating throughout the interface. With the new site comes crucial branding elements that represent the core services and feel of Define Hair & Skin. Brand imagery, logos, and textual elements are included throughout the site to best represent the company to viewers visiting the page.

About Define Hair & Skin

Since Define Hair & Skin’s inception in 2016, its dynamic duo husband and wife team have always put the team first in all things Define.  Growing from a company of few to over 50 employees, the Define team culture is like no other. Fostered in community, collaboration, and teamwork, each department seamlessly supports one another and the Define community as a whole. Education is the cornerstone of Define’s values and founding principles, and that coupled with a dynamic team environment creates the highest level of guest and employee experience.

In Need of A New Website?

Is your company interested in a redesign? Pink Dog Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency providing website design and more. Give us a call today at 410-696-3305 or contact us online for more information.

We look forward to connecting with you!