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How To Deal With Negative Online Feedback

In a perfect marketing world, all small businesses would have five-star reviews and a positive online presence. But negative reviews and comments are bound to appear on your company’s social media platforms. The key is learning to differentiate between the correct way and the wrong way to respond to negative comments. Brands should never delete or ignore negative online feedback. Instead, companies should work to respond and address the problems head-on.

negative online feedback

Reference Your Company’s Social Media Policy

Social media policies are split into two distinct categories: internal and external.

An internal social media policy is meant to guide those who represent your brand, whether that is staff, partners, or influencers. The policy serves as a style guide for voice, types of postings, and responses to both positive and negative comments.

External social media policy applies to the public. Social media networks are a platform for users and businesses alike to share news, opinions, stories, articles, and so much more. These networks offer a great place for users to connect based on shared interests.

But even though social media allows users to voice their opinions, the websites should remain a safe and respectful place. An external social media policy allows companies to ensure just that.

Companies can post their own “rules and regulations” regarding what is appropriate content to share. This clear cut policy will ensure no future confusion if inappropriate comments are deleted or users are banned.

It is not best practice to delete every and all negative online sentiment, but if the comment is abusive or hateful in nature, it should be removed.

Determine If The User Is Genuine

When a negative comment is posted, companies should never take it immediately at face value. The first step is determining whether the user is genuine. If the user is not authentic, the company might be getting trolled.

Common features of an internet troll include: no profile photo, off-topic comments, or upsetting and provoking content.

It is always better not to respond to the trolls. These types of users are using negative feedback in order to provoke staff members for their own gain. This can include free products or discounted services in order to make up for a supposedly “negative experience.”

Genuine users, on the other hand, use social media platforms to simply voice their opinions and concerns. All sincere feedback elicits a customer service response because it gives brands the chance to right their wrongs.

Encourage The User To Message Your Company Directly

Instead of going back and forth with the user in a public space, companies should instead prompt the user to respond in a private channel.

After seeing a negative comment, businesses should immediately reach out to the original author to apologize and address the problem. This allows the user to give a more in-depth explanation of their concern, which allows the company to give a better personal response.

If you would like more information about social media policies, need help managing negative online feedback, or other digital marketing services contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at