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Tools to Developing a Successful Holiday Season Marketing Plan

We might still be in the dog days of summer, but it is never too early to start planning your holiday marketing strategies. In fact, the holiday season is the busiest time of year for e-commerce, which is why it is so important to be ahead of the game. Before the summer ends, follow these tips and guidelines to develop a successful holiday season marketing plan.

Review Previous Holiday Marketing Campaign

Before taking any steps towards the future, it is important to first to take a glimpse into the past. Reviewing previous campaigns will serve to show your company what was successful and what was not so successful.

Did you meet your goals, exceed your goals, or encounter setbacks? These are all crucial questions to ask yourself before making any hasty marketing decisions that could lead to the same mistake and failures as previous years.

Additionally, companies should pay special attention to successes and failures relating to their social media platforms and channels. If you had staggering success on Facebook, but almost no engagement or ROI on Twitter, it might be a good idea to increase your focus on Facebook.

Define Your Marketing Goals

Before any content is created, small businesses should prioritize developing their marketing goals. These goals can revolve around gaining followers, meeting e-commerce targets, driving website traffic, or engaging with your audience. But, it is important to remember that marketing goals are specific to each individual company.

Small businesses tend to get stuck in a sales-oriented mindset, but the holiday season is a good opportunity to accomplish other equally important goals. Companies should strive to incorporate brand specific and engaging content to continue fulfilling year-long end goals.

Once you have clearly defined your goals, then your team can establish specific marketing strategies to achieve these goals. For example, if one of your goals is to increase sales, the relating strategies might include developing a user-friendly website design, showcasing products on social media, and paid advertisements.

Decide on Creative Direction

Now that marketing goals and strategies are in place, the next step is deciding what those strategies will look like. The foundation of a successful holiday season marketing campaign is: creative unity.

When it comes to different social media platforms, it is crucial to note that each channel demands its own creative approach. Although the approach is different, the creative content does not have to be.

Companies should establish specific themes, color palettes, and overall brand identity to ensure consumers identity the content with your company. The most effective approach includes the use of a style guide- a resource for team members to refer to when faced with the challenge of creative development.

Prepare a Calendar

Remember, posting content related to Thanksgiving will do no good in the middle of December. A calendar will not only help to prepare and schedule content, it will also help your marketing team stay up to date and on the same page.

If you would like more information about ecommerce during the holidays, need help developing your holiday season marketing strategies, or other digital marketing services contact Pink Dog Digital at (410) 696-3305, email us at, or visit us on the web at