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Beginners Guide to Pinterest for Business

Beginners Guide to Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to discover, save and share images and videos on virtual pinboards. With over 400 million active users, it’s no wonder that businesses are turning to Pinterest to promote their products and services. 

However, if you’re new to Pinterest, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. In this guide, our social media marketing experts at Pink Dog Digital will give you a comprehensive understanding of how to use Pinterest for your business.

Getting Started with Pinterest for Business

The first step to using Pinterest for business is to create a business account. You can do this by signing up at Once you create your account, you can start creating boards and pins. Boards are like virtual bulletin boards where you can organize your pins by topic. 

For example, if you sell handmade jewelry, you might create boards for different types of jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Pins are the individual pieces of content that you share on Pinterest. Each pin should have an image, a description, and a link to your website. 

Let’s look at some of the dos as you start with your Pinterest for business:

1. Optimizing Your Pinterest

Like any search engine, Pinterest has an algorithm that determines which pins appear at the top of search results. Pinterest SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing your pins and boards to rank higher in search results. Once you have created your account and boards, it’s crucial to optimize your profile. This means making sure that your profile picture, bio, and website link are all up-to-date and relevant to your business. 

Your profile picture should be a high-quality image that represents your brand. Your bio should be a brief description of what your business does and what kind of content users can expect to find on your boards. Finally, your website link should direct users to your website or online store.

2. Creating Engaging Pins

To get the most out of Pinterest for business, you need to create engaging pins. This means using high-quality images and creating descriptions that are informative and engaging. When creating pins, keep in mind that Pinterest is a visual platform, so the images you use are just as important as the content you share. 

Use high-quality images that are well-lit and visually appealing. You can also use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create graphics and infographics that will stand out on Pinterest.

3. Promoting Your Pins

One of the best ways to get your pins seen by more people is to promote them. Pinterest offers a variety of advertising options that allow businesses to promote their pins to a targeted audience. You can create ads to promote a specific product or service, or you can promote your entire Pinterest account to increase brand awareness. Be sure to target your ads to the right audience for better results. You can do this by selecting specific demographics, interests, and behaviors relevant to your business.

4. Monitor Your Analytics

Finally, it’s important to monitor your Pinterest analytics to see how your content is performing on the platform. You can use Pinterest’s analytics tools to track metrics like impressions, saves, and clicks. This information can help you optimize your content and improve your overall Pinterest strategy.

Start Your Pinterest for Business with Pink Dog Digital

Pinterest is a valuable tool for businesses looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and showcase their products or services. It is one way to get your name out there and increase the chances of your brand getting known online. It can be daunting to get your business started with Pinterest, but our experts at Pink Dog Digital will guide you all the way through. 

Reach us by filling out our online contact us form or by calling us at (410) 696-3305 for more information about Pinterest for business. You can also contact us by sending an email to